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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

The Cleaning Fairies, LLC. was created for sisters; Carmen and Carol Caballero. Their goal is to help people every day with their cleaning needs hoping that their work will make a difference in their clients lives by providing peace of mind and more free time to enjoy the things that matter most ; “The outside world can be a stressful place, and The Cleaning Fairies can help you by taking away one of them: cleaning and tiding your home”.

Carmen and Carol were raised under the motto “A clean house makes a Happy Home”. “Our mother taught us by example to enjoy the simple daily rituals of keeping house, she will put her favorite music and sing while cleaning”.” Mom’s priority was to have her home smell clean and fresh”.

Their father owned a craft workshop and influenced Carmen’s and Carol work ethic; “Our beloved father was and honest hard worker; a craftsmen that pour his soul into his work. We grew watching how he ran his craft workshop, and we learned from him the importance of listening to clients because that was the key in building a lifetime relationship with them”.

Carmen ran a successful Home Daycare in Chantilly for 9 years and Carol worked as nanny for a beloved family in South Riding.
Now they strongly feel that running The Cleaning Fairies is their calling.

We find pleasure with tidying and cleaning. As Dr. Fugen Neziroglu, mentions -“ With cleaning we get to have an end product. In many tasks you don’t get an end product that’s so observable.